DevBlog - Student Developer Progress
Following updates on projects I am working such as AI for Games and my Final Year Project.

OpenGL Voxel Engine v0.1 Release! DevBlog #8
An update from my previous DevBlog of what's been going on! Along with plans for the future of the engine...
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Async Loading & Frustum Culling! DevBlog #7
My final FYP DevBlog is the continiation of asyncronous loading and a popular culling technique, Frustum Culling! Get the insight of what it takes to implement frustum culling...
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Infinite Terrain & Multithreading! DevBlog #6
This week's DevBlog is packed with two big features that are infinite terrain with loading and unloading chunks at runtime and multithreading terrain generation...
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Procedural Generation! DevBlog #5
The recent progress I have made on my next challenge of my final year project which is procedural generation. I use Perlin noise to make terrain generation with chunks...
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Rendering Chunks! DevBlog #3 & #4
The progress I have made in the last two weeks all into one blog! Including: instancing, occlusion culling, back face culling, basic lighting and looking into procedural generation...
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Rendering voxels DevBlog #2
Looking into my progress since DevBlog #1, rendering my first voxel, chunk and camera movement. A look at what I plan on doing next...
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Startup of My Final Year Project DevBlog #1
Looking into the OpenGL API of how it works, the setup and deciding on how I want to create my Voxel Engine in OpenGL and the process of drawing a shape to screen for the first time...
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